суббота, 9 июля 2011 г.

Пользователь Andy290908 отправил Вам видео: "WebBeatTV 116 Shira Lazar 'What's Trending' Interview, and amazing bird tricks!"

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Пользователь Andy290908 добавил видео с Вашим участием на YouTube:

"Full Shira Lazar Interview about web trends and her new show 'what's trending': http://webbeat.tv/shirarocks Viral Video: Amazing bird tricks. Watch the full video here: http://wimp.com/birdtricks/

Website of the Day: The Burning House! WebBeat blogger Wen Duan found this awesome site that basically asks you the question: if your house was burning, what would you take with you? For more: http://webbeat.tv/burninghouse
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